Thursday 9 March 2017

When I was stranded on the island I felt scared.                                                                          
Being left alone with no friends.
My aim wasn't to fight with my friends.
I first saw the cluse and people.
I  wouldn't want to be a leader because I don't now if everyone well agree with me.
So we can work as a team.
To make everyone agree with each other.
Working as a team made it fun.
Agree with both of the people if they are fighting.
Conflicting makes me feel frustrated.


  1. Dear Rorke

    I enjoyed the things you said about you not being a leader it sounded cool. why do you not like to be a leader in a stranded island!From Reuben

  2. Dear Rorke

    I really liked reading your blog it was really good.why would you agree with two people if they were fighting

  3. Dear Rorke

    Yes Rorke it was getting frustrated because every one wants to go different way and I also couldn't wait to do the obstetrical course.

  4. Dear Rork

    I can imagine it being a leader must be difficult.
