Monday 14 May 2018

The singing inspector

When I heard it was singing I sighed and so did the hole class. So we went to the singing class and taking our time but the two boys stade behind cause they always had to wright test. He always wore very posh clothes. So we sang doh rah something like that ,but it was boring. Charles and I got called up first we looked at each other some how I new what he was thinking. I don’t know what to sing. Charles siad I can sing pretty poly embarrassed. So we sang Pretty Poly I sang with a high but soft voice and Charels sang with a low ,but quite voice. And then the singing inspeter scram waste of my time waste of two voiceless children in my singing class take them out! I thought in my mind you are a waste of my time.


  1. I found it funny the way you said at the end the singing inspector yelled take them out of my class. You got creative in saying class and that you sighed. It made me laugh. all in all it was a cool post. I enjoyed it.

  2. Hi Rork
    Awsome view of the story
    Here is a question do you actually feel that way about singing lessons ;)
